Research Interest
Holistic nursing care, quality care, patient safety, maternal and child nursing care
In 2017, Paolo Colet started working as an Assistant Professor in the School of Medicine, Nazarbayev University. He is a registered nurse in the United States (USA) and a registered nurse/midwife in the Philippines. He has vast experience in nursing and midwifery education and practice in the Philippines and Saudi Arabia, being a clinician, lecturer, clinical instructor, part-time school nurse, and reviewer for the nursing licensure examination. Locally, Mr. Colet was trained at La Union Maternity and Children’s Hospital and in Ilocos Training and Regional Medical Center. He earned his baccalaureate, master, and doctorate degrees in the Philippines.
Additionally, he did his Clinical Fellowship at Joanna Briggs Institute, Australia, on implementing evidence, and was awarded as an Associate Fellow for Australasian for Quality in Health Care. His research program can be summarized into an acronym HOPE (Holistic nursing, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Patient Safety, and Education). Moreover, together with his team, he is currently working on funded research projects on COVID19 and in nursing education in Kazakhstan.
Colet, P., Aimagambetova, G., & Kossybayeva, K. (2020). Evidence-based inpatient postnatal care among women in a national hospital in Kazakhstan: a best practice implementation project. JBI Evidence Implementation, 18(3), 318-326.
Almazan, J. U., Albougami, A. S., Alamri, M. S., Colet, P. C., Adolfo, C. S., Allen, K., … & Boyle, C. (2019). Disaster-related resiliency theory among older adults who survived Typhoon Haiyan. International journal of disaster risk reduction, 35, 101070.
Cruz, J. P., Felicilda-Reynaldo, R. F. D., Lam, S. C., Contreras, F. A. M., Cecily, H. S. J., Papathanasiou, I. V., … & Colet, P. C. (2018). Quality of life of nursing students from nine countries: A cross-sectional study. Nurse education today, 66, 135-142.
Colet, P. C., Cruz, J. P., Cacho, G., Al‐Qubeilat, H., Soriano, S. S., & Cruz, C. P. (2018). Perceived infection prevention climate and its predictors among nurses in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 50(2), 134-142.
Islam, S. M. S., Tabassum, R., Colet, P. C., Cruz, J. P., Dey, S., Rawal, L. B., & Islam, A. (2018). Human resources for mental health in low and middle-income countries: evidence from Bangladesh. In Health economics and healthcare reform: breakthroughs in research and practice (pp. 354-374). IGI Global.
Cruz, J. P., Alshammari, F., Alotaibi, K. A., & Colet, P. C. (2017). Spirituality and spiritual care perspectives among baccalaureate nursing students in Saudi Arabia: A cross-sectional study. Nurse education today, 49, 156-162.
Cruz, J. P., Colet, P. C., Bashtawi, M. A., Mesde, J. H., & Cruz, C. P. (2017). Psychometric evaluation of the Cultural Capacity Scale Arabic version for nursing students. Contemporary nurse, 53(1), 13-22.
Cruz, J. P., Colet, P. C., Alquwez, N., Alqubeilat, H., Bashtawi, M. A., Ahmed, E. A., & Cruz, C. P. (2016). Evidence-Based Practice Beliefs and Implementation among the Nursing Bridge Program Students of a Saudi University. International journal of health sciences, 10(3), 405.
Cruz, J. P., Colet, P. C., Qubeilat, H., Al-Otaibi, J., Coronel, E. I., & Suminta, R. C. (2016). Religiosity and health-related quality of life: a cross-sectional study on Filipino Christian hemodialysis patients. Journal of religion and health, 55(3), 895-908.
Colet, P. C., Cruz, J. P., Cruz, C. P., Al-Otaibi, J., Qubeilat, H., & Alquwez, N. (2015). Patient safety competence of nursing students in Saudi Arabia: a self-reported survey. International journal of health sciences, 9(4), 418.