Faculty and Research

Jurgita Gulbiniene, PhD
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Research Interest

Selected Publications

Jurgita Gulbiniene is a graduate of a Master in Nursing (Lithuanian University of Medicine). In 2008, she completed a PhD thesis on “The importance of education of ostomy patients in improving of self-care and quality of life” (Lithuanian University of Medicine).

For 6 years she has worked as a nurse in therapeutic and surgery departments. During 2006 – 2009, she worked as a stoma therapy nurse. Jurgita Gulbiniene has a total of 18 years as a lecturer of nursing students at Lithuanian University of Health Science.

Her research interests are in the areas of Patient Education, Health Promotion and Surgery. She has participated in a various seminars abroad such as “Nursing Science: perspective of Nursing Theory development” (University of Oulu), Intensive course “Creativity, Innovation and Health – From idea into design as a health professional (Aalborg, Denmark); Game-Based Learning and Gamification“ (International Teaching Center, Czech Republic).

Jurgita Gulbiniene is the president of Lithuanian Oncology Nursing Society and a member of the University Science of Nursing Society.