Faculty and Research

Gulzhanat Aimagambetova, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor
Office Phone:

Research Interest

Intrauterine growth restriction, pregnancy and labor management.

Selected Publications

Degree of Medicine at the Western-Kazakhstan State Medical Academy behalf Marat Ospanov, Medical Faculty, Aktobe, Kazakhstan (2002)
Internship “Obstetrics and gynecology” (2002-2003)
PhD in Clinical Pharmacology the Western-Kazakhstan State Medical Academy behalf Marat Ospanov,  Aktobe, Kazakhstan (2009)
Course «Оbstetrics»  –  Ben Gurion  University, “Clalit” Health Care Service, Beer-Sheva, Israel. (2006)
Emergency hospital, urgent gynecology department, Aktobe, Kazakhstan (2003-2004)
National Research center of maternity and childhood, High Risk Pregnancy Department, Astana, Kazakhstan (since 2007).
Astana Medical University, Faculty of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Astana, (2012-2013)
Recent postgraduate education courses:
“Modern Evaluation of Intrauterine growth restriction” – Johannes Gutenberg University, Halle, Germany (2011)
Research experience:
Scientific project “Antenatal treatment of intrauterine growth restriction”   Center for Life Sciences of Nazarbayev University.
Research interests:
Intrauterine growth restriction, pregnancy and labor management.
Last 20 years demographic situation in Kazakhstan characterized by increasing of birthrate. However infant mortality remaining pretty much considerable, about 13–14‰. With a prevalence of the 5–8% in the general population, IUGR can complicate 10-15% of all pregnancies. IUGR represents the second cause of perinatal mortality, after prematurity, and it is related to an increased risk of perinatal complication as low Apgar scores, cord blood acidemia, with possible negative effects for neonatal outcome. Fetal monitoring is one of the main and very important parts of IUGR management and the decision to deliver a preterm IUGR fetus still remains one of the great challenges in obstetrics.
Scientific, educational and practical activities are connected with:
a) Obstetrics
b)  Gynecology
c) Clinical pharmacology
d) Fetal Surgery
e) High Risk Pregnancy